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Financial Planning

A financial plan is a comprehensive, constantly evolving, picture of your finances and financial goals.

Family and finances-they are two of the most vital pieces of your life. And their similarities are compelling: Having one can enhance your enjoyment of the other; eventually, each must take care of the other; and, given enough time and care, both can grow exponentially, generation to generation. 

With both loved ones and investments, time is our most valuable asset. We will help you make the most of them both. We invest the time it takes to build your wealth. Buffington Mohr McNeal does not promise quick answers or easy solutions. Instead, we offer a prudent process with a long-term focus that allows you to meet life’s most important goals.

Financial Planning Process

Discovery: In our first meeting, we uncover your needs, goals, concerns, and evaluate your current financial position.
Framework: With a better understanding of where you are and where you want to go, we design an actionable plan to help you achieve your goals.
Commitment: You review your plan, and we answer your questions, respond to any concerns, and we decide together how to proceed.
Implementing: We take care of the paperwork and get your plan moving forward.
Review: As life changes, so do your goals and resources. To make sure your plan keeps you moving toward your goals, we review your progress with you annually. Having an established process provides a discipline for working toward success.

A good financial plan will inform the second component of wealth management; portfolio construction and ongoing investment management.

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